Bob Veres and Joel Bruckenstein have now shared the results from their annual survey of the software advisors are using along with their satisfaction levels with those technologies. We’re excited and honored by this year’s results. Per their report on the survey:
“Redtail continues to lead the category by a wide margin and its satisfaction score [8.06] continues to be outstanding. Is it possible that Redtail owns well over half [61.86%] of the CRM market share? Or are Redtail users more enthusiastic about providing their (mostly positive) feedback on their CRM experience?”
With 5,255 respondents in their survey this year, we’re happy either way: enthusiastic subscribers to Redtail solutions are what we aim for! As the authors state in their Introduction and Methodology section of the report, “We believe that any rating of 7.0 or above represents a high degree of user satisfaction, and any figure above 8.0 should be considered remarkable. ” Creating raving fans is a huge part of our mission, so to average an 8.06 satisfaction score from so many respondents truly encourages us in our ongoing quest to provide both excellent solutions and an outstanding experience for Redtail subscribers.
You can read their intro to the report here — or, read the report in its entirety here.