ABOUT FDC Plan on Purpose: “We have designed our own proprietary software that will help you articulate your value each and every time you meet with your clients. This is a straight forward interactive tool that displays to your clients the full value of working with you.
FDC Plan on Purpose allows you to review specific planning topics with your client and check off items that have been addressed and completed. The Lifetime Plan Score™️ is a great visual representation of the progress you are making together to accomplish your clients’ goals and fill in any gaps in their overall plan.
After reviewing your clients’ current financial situation and goals, the “Find Your Gaps” section will allow you to identify GAPS that might exist within their overall plan. The tool provides you the opportunity to review those gaps and possible solutions with your clients, in an easy to follow format.”
The integration allows our users to create Redtail notes for their clients with a copy of the progress they’ve made using our planning tools.
Users who have their Redtail integration set up see a “Send to Redtail” option while viewing their client’s planner. When selected, the integration will search for a matching Redtail contact based on the client’s email address.
If found, the user would be shown a preview of the note to be attached to their client’s Redtail contact. If they confirm that they’d like to proceed, the note will get attached to the contact.
If not found, the user will be shown an error message explaining that no Redtail contact had an email address that matched the one in the client’s profile.
DETAILS ON INTEGRATION SETUP AND USAGE Redtail’s documentation on this new integration is available here.