Note templates are now available in Redtail Mobile!
When creating a Note in the app, you now have an option to pre-populate much of the data using Note templates that you’ve created within Redtail CRM:
After tapping the area above that says “Create without a Template”, you’ll see all available Note templates within your Redtail CRM and can select the one you’d like to use. You can learn more about creating Note templates in Redtail CRM (which will simultaneously now make them available in Redtail Mobile) here.
Follow-up activities can now be created when creating Notes!
Toward the bottom of your “Add Note” screen, you’ll see a toggle you can switch on next to “Follow-up?”
If you toggle that on, and then click “Save Note”, your note will save and you’ll be taken to a new Activity Details page, where you can complete all relevant information for that follow-up activity. Note as well that you can select an Activity Template to use for that follow-up activity. Learn more about Activity Templates here.