Redtail’s Training Team puts together these “How to Handle” posts in order to make you aware of some of the ways you might use Redtail CRM to assist with processes, events, etc., that are likely to come up for most offices at some point.
This one will focus on best practices in Redtail CRM in terms of dealing with a client’s death. For each step in the directions, we’ll provide relevant links from our helpdesk as well as images or gifs in some cases to give you a better idea of what the process looks like within Redtail.
1. Create a Contact Status of “Deceased” in your database.
Database Lists
Database Lists and the Contact Record Video
2. When a client passes away, change their Status from whatever it currently is to “Deceased”.
Contact Details
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video
3. Fill out the “Date of Death” field on the client’s contact record. This will ensure that the contact is removed from the birthday reminders and various reports within the database.
Contact Details
Redtail Essentials: Contact Record Video
When you add a Date of Death for a contact, moving forward you’ll see a red banner at the top of the contact record to indicate they are deceased:

4. Update the spouse’s record to designate them as the new head of household (if applicable)
How Do I Change Family Heads
Redtail Essentials: Relationships
5. Adjust the Family Name to reflect the new household arrangement (if applicable).
How Do I Change Family Heads
Redtail Essentials: Relationships
6. Remove the Client Review Date from the deceased client’s record. If the client’s spouse is an Active Client as well, add date to new head of household’s contact record.
Client Review
Client Reviews Reminder Report

7. Add a Note to the deceased contact’s record, indicating all changes. There are three options on how to handle these notes:
Redtail Essentials: Notes Video
A. Copy to another contact record.
B. Move to another contact record.
C. Add a note to the deceased contact record with a hyperlink.
* The method you choose is entirely up to you and your fellow database users. Copying the notes is the Redtail Trainer recommended method as it keeps the notes available on both contact records. If you prefer to keep everything on one centralized contact record, consider the move notes method. Lastly, if you find yourself needing to copy or move a high volume of notes, the hyperlink method saves lots of clicks and allows you to view those notes on an as-needed basis only.
8. Check open activities on the deceased contact record.
Contact Overview Activities
Activities by Contact Report
9. Add a membership option for ‘Deceased Husband/Wife/Spouse’.
Membership Options
Redtail Essentials: Relationships
10. Remove the deceased from the family, and add memberships between the deceased and living relatives. This will allow for the relationship to be tracked without infringing on the tax definition of family.
Family Relationships
Redtail Essentials: Relationships Video
11. Create a Workflow that breaks down the deceased client planning process step-by-step.
Workflow Video Series
12. Add an Automation that starts a workflow when a client’s status is changed to “Deceased”.
Redtail Essentials: Automations Video
Download a PDF version of these instructions below.
As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!