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Redtail Technology > News > Integrations > Building your Tech Stack: Redtail’s September 2022 Partner webinars

Building your Tech Stack: Redtail’s September 2022 Partner webinars

Category: Integrations
Building Your Tech Stack webinar image

In September of 2022, our Building Your Tech Stack webinar series will focus on partners in the Advisor Tools and Insurance software categories. A description of each partner category along with the partner(s) we focus on in our webinars this month is below.

Advisor Tools

Not all software fits neatly into a traditional fintech category such as financial planning, CRM, investment research, etc. Partners included in the Advisor Tools category may offer advisors anything from AI-based relationship mapping to streamlined meeting prep to student loan analysis to automated scheduling reminders to a host of other functions. Regardless of the function of an advisor tool, integration with your CRM means you are boosting the efficiencies, accuracy, and/or effectiveness of your day-to-day operations.

In a September 20th Building Your Tech Stack webinar with Bento Engine, we’ll be considering the below:

Bento Engine + Redtail CRM: Technology Powering Human Engagement

Building Your Tech Stack webinar - Bento Engine

Since our last joint discussion, the integration between Bento Engine and Redtail CRM has empowered more financial advisors to deliver timely, relevant advice to families across the wealth spectrum. Through a robust API connection to Redtail CRM, Bento provides advice engagement technology and a complete library of compliance pre-approved content and communication tools that enable you to engage all of your clients and prospects during key milestones in their life when financial advice matters the most.

In this webinar, we will share advisor best practices for delivering advice relevant to your clients and prospects through Redtail CRM, which helps you build deeper client relationships, more loyalty, and more referrals.

It’s time to bring advice beyond investing to more families so they can thrive and advisors’ practices can grow.

Register now for this webinar on September 20 at 10:00 am Pacific.


Insurance software

If insurance is a component of your business, you understand the value of the software you use for quote preparation, quote adjustment, tracking client progress through the underwriting process, etc.
When your insurance software is integrated with Redtail CRM, you can streamline application times and significantly reduce the potential for clerical errors to delay your processes.

In a September 27th Building Your Tech Stack webinar with BackNine Insurance, our topic is:

Offer Life & LTC Insurance Inside Your Redtail CRM Now!

Building Your Tech Stack webinar - BackNine

Imagine being able to cross sell life insurance and long term care to all your clients inside of Redtail? The solution is available now! Once turned on in Redtail you will be able to run life insurance quotes in seconds and apply in minutes! You will also be able to pre-fill 50% of the quote and application by pulling from your Redtail CRM. Join us for an educational webinar to learn more about our revolutionary life insurance software!


Register now for this webinar on September 27 at 10:00 am Pacific.



Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.