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Tips from Redtail’s Training Team: How to Handle . . . Prospecting

Category: Resources
How to Handle Feature

Redtail’s Training Team puts together these “How to Handle” posts in order to make you aware of some of the ways you might use Redtail CRM to assist with processes, events, etc., that are likely to come up for most offices at one point or another.

This one will focus on how you can use Redtail CRM to assist with your prospecting efforts. For each step in the directions, we’ll provide relevant links from our helpdesk as well as images or gifs in some cases to give you a better idea of what the process looks like within Redtail.


Every growing business needs to be fostering new leads to thrive. By leveraging the tools within your Redtail CRM, you can make prospecting less strenuous and time consuming.


1. Define your sales process. Who is a Lead vs. Prospect? Use Statuses and Categories to define where a contact is within your sales cycle. Add the new Statuses and Categories to your database.

Database Lists
Database Lists and the Contact Record Video

prospecting chart

manage database lists add contact status

2. Where do new business opportunities come from? (e.g., CPA Referrals, Retirement Planning Seminar, LinkedIn). Add these to the database Source list.

Database Lists
Database Lists and the Contact Record Video

manage database lists add contact source

3. Whiteboard with your team how prospects and leads should be reached out to. Create a workflow in Redtail with an ideal prospecting process. Check out the included example for a good starting point.

Workflow Video Series

prospecting workflow

4. Determine changes in the database that should initiate prospecting workflows. Add automations that link workflows based on contacts or activities being added, or contact status changing.

Redtail Essentials: Automations Video

prospecting automation

5. Open Opportunities based on prospects being qualified. Redtail recommends only opening an opportunity once there is an amount determined that the office will gain from the relationship.

Opportunity Tracker
Redtail Essentials: Opportunities Video

Add new opportunity

6. Report on opportunities and prospects.

Redtail Essentials: Reports Video

a. Opportunities by Stage Report

Opportunities by Stage Report
Redtail Essentials: Opportunities Video

opportunity reports

b. Workflow Task Report

 Workflow Task Report
Redtail Essentials: Workflows Video

workflow reports


Defined processes for prospecting gives your sales team guidelines and accountability when finding new clients for your business. Overestimate the amount of touches in your prospecting process. It is not unusual for five or more touches to be necessary before a client decides to sign on.


Download a PDF version of these instructions below.

As always, if you have any questions you can reach out to our team at or 800.206.5030. We are always happy to help you understand any aspect of Redtail CRM better so that you can better put it to use in your business!

Redtail dog with a headset

Posted by: Redtail Technology
About: Redtail Technology, Inc. is a leader in web-based Client Relationship Management solutions for financial advisors.